
States of Mind (2015). Exhibited in Group Therapy 2015 curated by Vanessa Bartlett and FACT.

The Stomach Ache Project at The Big Anxiety Festival Naarm, October 2022. Photo Julianne Bell

Behind Your Eyes Between Your Ears (2015), George Khut. Exhibited at Group Therapy 2017 curated by Vanessa Bartlett. Photo Silversalt.

The Deviant Majority (2010), Dora Garcia. Exhibited at Group Therapy 2017 curated by Vanessa Bartlett. Photo Silversalt.

Madlove (2015) the vacuum cleaner with Hannah Hull. Exhibited in Group Therapy curated by Vanessa Bartlett and FACT. Photo Sara Hibbert.

Market For Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge No.11 ON WASTE (2008). Artistic Director Hannah Hurtzig. Research and Production Assistant Vanessa Bartlett. Photograph by Alex Wolkowicz

Market For Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge No.11 ON WASTE (2008). Artistic Director Hannah Hurtzig. Research and Production Assistant Vanessa Bartlett. Photograph by Alex Wolkowicz

Kensington Cradle Songs closing event (2007) Hannah Tuulikki, with Felix Ngindu and Stephanie Hladowski. Curated by Vanessa Bartlett

Kensington Cradle Songs closing event (2007) Hannah Tuulikki, with Felix Ngindu and Stephanie Hladowski. Curated by Vanessa Bartlett

Our Breaths Bellow (2008) Hanna Tuulikki and James Lee. Exhibited in Slowness curated by Vanessa Bartlett. Photo Alex Wolkowicz.

Madlove (2015) the vacuum cleaner with Hannah Hull. Exhibited in Group Therapy curated by Vanessa Bartlett and FACT. Photo Sara Hibbert.
I live and work on Bidjigal and Gadigal land. I pay my respects to custodians past, present and emerging by revering the land and paying the rent. Always was, always will be.